TCS Smart Hiring 2024 | Ignite + MCA From TCS | BSC/BCA Apply Now
TCS Smart Hiring 2024 For Ignite & MCA From TCS, BSC/BCA Students Apply Now All The Details Are Given Below.

TCS is looking to leverage the potential of science graduates with deep interest and aptitude in technology, generating readiness for engineering roles without a conventional technical degree. TCS enables them to make successful careers in IT by providing the right platform and resources. There will be a common integrated test for both Smart B.Sc and Ignite candidates.
TCS B.Sc Ignite TCS Smart Hiring 2024 Students who clear the TCS BSC Ignite & Smart Hiring process will get an exclusive opportunity to join our unique Science-to-Software GP every year with their subject knowledge. This program is an opportunity for the participants to be trained in the latest technologies which will give them a full-fledged IT career at par with engineering graduates and on a global scale.
Program Name: TCS Smart Hiring 2024 Key features of the Program
TCS B.Sc Ignite
- Elite Initial Learning Programme for Science Graduates: Provides one of the topmost worldwide initial learning programmes or ILPs specially designed to enhance science graduates and make them successful in high-quality Software Engineering jobs.
- The Exclusive Higher Education Opportunities: This section enables you to pursue specially designed postgraduate degrees with leading Indian universities, aided by the accumulated self-study and experiential learning of our own Initial Learning Program (ILP) — 50% higher education course credits will be awarded for successful completion.
- Better Compensation Package: Provides schemes that have the potential to increase your career growth and compensation by more than 2.5 times within the first 1-2 years of joining.
TCS Smart Hiring 2024
- Techno-Functional Roles: Provides techno-functional roles for TCS customers across various domains.
- Project Deployment: Provides deployment within various projects in roles like engineering, quality assurance, data analytics, etc.
Both programs have been uniquely created to benefit science graduates and hence, they are equally strong avenues for a very successful IT career. Now it is for you to join this transformational journey! Apply now!
TCS B.Sc Ignite & Smart Hiring – Batch of 2023 & 24 Application form
How to Apply for TCS Smart Hiring 2024
- Proceed to NextStep Portal: Log into TCS Nextstep.
- Check Details like Aadhaar: Your details need to be updated accurately. If the details are incorrect, this could result in your entry being disqualified.
- Apply Now: TCS B.Sc Ignite & Smart Hiring for Batch of 2023 & 2024:
- Case A: You have the app, login or register first and then go to ‘Apply for Drive’.
- Scenario B: If you are a new user then click on Register Now —> Choose IT Category —-> Enter Details and Submit the application & Click Application Link.
- Note: Please validate that all details entered on your TCS Application Form (Academic Details, Internship & Work Experience (if any)) are correct.
- Select Your Choice of Test Center: Choose your exam center and press Apply. Keep in mind that the test center once selected cannot be altered.
- Confirm Your Status: Find and click on Track Your Application. The status should be displayed as “Applied for Drive”. Please see the “Test Eligibility” section for more specifics on who is eligible to take this test.
Note: TCS Smart Hiring 2024
- Centre-Based Test: This is a centre-based test.
- Seat Allotment: Seats have been allotted on a First-Come-First-Serve basis. Sign up with your application and choose the test center in advance. You cannot pick that city once the seats get full.
- Document: Get your original documents such as Marksheets, Degree Certificate, Internship Letter, Work Experience (if any).
- The Administrator: TCS iON – Our Test Provider will communicate anything regarding the test with you.
- Official Communication: TCS does not send job offers or hiring-related communication through email from unofficial domains like Gmail, Rediffmail (This also applies to Facebook and instant messenger).
Check the test eligibility from the below section for other details on prerequisites.
Final Words — TCS Smart Hiring 2024
The TCS Smart Hiring 2024 will identify the best talent among highly employable graduates in BCA/B.Sc./B.Voc streams and provide them with proven pathways towards becoming future-ready IT professionals, on completion of the Required Full-Time Campus Programme. TCS delivers world-class initial learning environments, exposure to state-of-the-art technology, and ample career advancement opportunities on par with engineering graduates, making available a stronger secondary education platform for science students that seek flourishing careers by breaking into the IT industry.
Interested candidates can apply on the TCS NextStep Portal with all details correctly mentioned and their documents prepared. The test is held in the center and has assigned seats on a ‘First-Come-First-Serve’ basis. All communication-related protocols of TCS remain strict and it does not ask for any money deposit from new employees.
By joining this program, graduates will be able to open doors that few can help them access and recreate their career path in the IT sector.