TCS Original Interview Questions Asked 2024 | Ninja, Digital & Prime

TCS Original Interview Questions Asked 2024 In Ninja Digital & Prime Role Please Check All Interview Experiences From Past And Prepare Best.

TCS Original Interview Questions

TCS June Interview Experiences: Insights and Preparation Tips

Introduction – TCS Original Interview Questions

In June, numerous students across India faced the challenging and transformative experience of interviewing with Tata Consultancy Services (TCS). Here, we’ve compiled detailed accounts from various candidates who attended interviews for roles such as TCS Digital, Ninja, and Prime. Their experiences provide invaluable insights into the interview process, the types of questions asked, and essential preparation tips. Let’s dive into these narratives to understand what it takes to succeed in a TCS interview.

Interview Experiences – TCS Original Interview Questions

Experience 1: Digital Upgradation Interview

Location: Andhra Pradesh

The interview commenced with a brief introduction followed by technical questions closely related to the candidate’s resume:

  1. Intrusion Detection System (IDS): Explained the concept and differentiated it from a firewall.
  2. Project-Based Questions: Since the candidate’s project involved IDS using Machine Learning, they were asked about companies providing IDS solutions.
  3. Coding: Tasked with writing a code to describe the abstraction process in OOP.
  4. String Manipulation in Python: Printed words with more than eight characters from the college name string.
  5. Database Normalization: Asked about 1NF and BCNF.
  6. SQL Joins: Difference between Inner Join and Left Join.
  7. SQL Syntaxes: Provided syntaxes for UPDATE and INSERT commands.
  8. Machine Learning: Types of learning and clustering.
  9. Bayes Theorem: Wrote the formula.
  10. ML and DL: Explained their relationship.

Experience 2: Mixed Technical and HR Interview

Interviewers: Mixed (MR and HR) – TCS Original Interview Questions

  1. Family Background: Initial questions about the candidate’s family.
  2. Knowledge of Latest Technologies: Discussion on awareness and application of new tech.
  3. Big Data: How the candidate would approach working with big data.
  4. Documentation: Emphasized the importance of carrying all necessary documents, including college ID.

The HR round focused on:

  1. Family Background and Experience: Explored the candidate’s familiarity with the latest technologies and their experiences.
  2. Suggestions: Encouraged learning advanced technologies.
TCS Original Interview Questions

Experience 3: Technical Deep Dive

Questions: TCS Original Interview Questions

  1. Introduction and TCS Knowledge: Basic introductory questions.
  2. Project Explanation: Detailed discussion on the candidate’s project.
  3. Bitwise Operators: Described and coded bitwise operators.
  4. Doubly Linked List: Created and manipulated a doubly linked list.
  5. Cloud Computing and OSI Model: Explained these concepts.
  6. Night Shifts and Relocation: Willingness to work night shifts and relocate.
  7. Personal Questions: About family and classmates.

Experience 4: ECE Core and Common Sense

The candidate, being the last in the panel, faced: TCS Original Interview Questions

  1. Internship-Based Questions: Detailed questions about their BSNL internship and ECE core.
  2. Fibonacci Series: Coded the Fibonacci series on paper.
  3. No Self-Intro or Project Questions: The focus was more on technical aptitude and logical thinking.
  4. HR Round: Basic, common questions.

Experience 5: Ninja Role Interview – TCS Original Interview Questions

Branch: B.Tech CSE, Location: Indore

  1. Introduction and Project: Asked about the real-world problems solved in the project.
  2. React and Client-Server Architecture: Questions on React and server functionalities.
  3. IT Career Choice: Discussion on why the candidate chose IT.
  4. Memory Management in C++ and SQL: Technical questions on C++ and SQL.

Experience 6: Python and Project-Based Questions

Preferred Language: Python

  1. Python Iterators and Serialization: Differences between Python and Java.
  2. Coding: Find a word in a sentence.
  3. SQL and Databases: Queries and the current version of MySQL.
  4. Hadoop: Project-related questions.
  5. Employment vs. Entrepreneurship: The candidate’s preference.
  6. Leadership and Challenges: Leadership qualities and life challenges.
TCS Original Interview Questions

Experience 7: EC Branch Ninja Role – TCS Original Interview Questions

Rounds: Technical and HR – TCS Original Interview Questions

  1. Introduction and Resume: Started with basic introductions and project discussions.
  2. OOPS Concepts: Inheritance, polymorphism, classes, and objects.
  3. Recursion and Strengths: Advanced recursion code and personal strengths.
  4. Further Studies: Discussed future educational plans.

Tips and Tricks to Crack TCS Interviews – TCS Original Interview Questions

Preparing for a TCS interview requires a multifaceted approach that encompasses both technical proficiency and soft skills. Here are some comprehensive tips and tricks to help you crack your TCS interview: TCS Original Interview Questions

  1. Understand the Job Role: Whether you’re applying for a Digital, Ninja, or Prime role, thoroughly understand the job description and the skills required. Tailor your resume to highlight relevant experiences and projects.
  2. Master the Basics: Ensure a strong grasp of fundamental concepts in your field. For IT and CS roles, focus on data structures, algorithms, OOP concepts, databases, operating systems, and networking. For roles in other domains, emphasize core subjects relevant to the position.
  3. Resume Accuracy: Everything mentioned in your resume is fair game for questions. Be prepared to discuss your projects in detail, including the technologies used, challenges faced, and how you overcame them. Highlight any internships, certifications, or relevant coursework.
  4. Practice Coding: Coding is a significant part of the technical interview. Practice writing clean, efficient code. Platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank, and CodeChef can be invaluable. Focus on common problems related to arrays, strings, linked lists, and algorithms like sorting and searching.
  5. Mock Interviews: Simulate the interview environment with mock interviews. This can help reduce anxiety and improve your confidence. Seek feedback to identify areas for improvement.
  6. Behavioral Questions: Be prepared for HR questions about your background, strengths, weaknesses, career goals, and why you want to join TCS. Use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method to structure your responses for behavioral questions.
  7. Stay Updated on Technology: Be aware of the latest trends and technologies in your field. For instance, if your resume mentions machine learning, be prepared to discuss recent advancements and applications.
  8. Soft Skills: Communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and teamwork are crucial. Practice articulating your thoughts clearly and confidently. Good interpersonal skills can leave a positive impression on the interviewers.
  9. Documentation: As emphasized by many candidates, ensure you carry all necessary documents, including multiple copies of your resume, college ID, and any other requested documentation.
  10. Dress Appropriately: Dress in formal attire to create a good first impression. Your appearance should be neat and professional.
  11. Ask Questions: At the end of the interview, when given the chance to ask questions, inquire about the company’s culture, the team you might work with, or the technologies you’ll be using. This shows your interest in the role and the company.
  12. Post-Interview Follow-Up: After the interview, consider sending a thank-you email to express your gratitude for the opportunity. This can help you stand out and reinforce your interest in the position.

Conclusion – TCS Original Interview Questions

Cracking a TCS interview is not just about technical knowledge but also about how well you present yourself and handle the interview process. By focusing on both your technical skills and soft skills, you can improve your chances of success. Remember, preparation is key, so start early, practice diligently, and maintain a positive attitude throughout the process. Good luck!


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