LTI MindTree Aptitude Questions & Answers
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LTI MindTree Aptitude Questions & Answers | July 2024

In This Post We Discussed LTI MindTree Aptitude Questions & Answers That Were Asked In July 2024

LTI MindTree Aptitude Questions & Answers

1. Which Sorting Algorithm Yields Approximately the Same Worst-Case and Average Case Running Time Behavior in O(n logn)?

The correct answer is: Heap sort and Merge sort

2. Which Statement is TRUE with Regard to the Private and Protected Members of a Class?

The correct answer is: Private members cannot be directly accessed while protected members can be directly accessed.

3. What Will be the Output of the Program When the Function calculate() is Executed?

The correct answer is: 2

4. Will the Given Program Function Properly to Print the Following Pattern on the Screen:

The correct answer is: Statement 2 should be modified to int j = 1

5. Merge Sort Requires O(n) Space When Implemented Using?

The correct answer is: Array

6. Which of the Given Sorting Methods is Stable?

The correct answer is: Straight insertion sort

7. What is the Hamming Distance Between the Data if a Sender Sends Data 10101010 and the Receiver Receives 10010010?

The correct answer is: 2

8. At Times, it is Advantageous to Swap Out a Process in the Memory and Bring it Back into the Memory After Some Time, Such That its Execution Can be Resumed from the Point Where it Stopped. What Handles this Process Swapping?

The correct answer is: Medium-term scheduler

9. Identify the Addressing Mode that is Necessary to Implement Pointers in a Processor.

The correct answer is: Indirect addressing mode

10. What Does Isolation in ACID Rules for a Transaction in a Database Mean?

The correct answer is: No transaction can interfere in the end result of another transaction.

11. Which of the Given Options is NOT an Application Software?

The correct answer is: DOS

12. Which Normal Form is a Table “Customer” in, if it has the Following Characteristics? It has Transitive Dependencies. There are no Partial Dependencies in it. There is no Column with Redundancy in it.

The correct answer is: Second Normal Form (2NF)

13. A Database of Motor Vehicles has the Base Entity “Vehicles” that is Classified into Two Sub-entities: Two-Wheeler and Four-Wheeler. These are Further Broken Down into More Entities. What is this Process Called?

The correct answer is: Specialization

14. The Head of a Moving Head Disk with 100 Tracks Numbered from 0 to 99 is Currently Serving a Request at Track 40. The Queue of Requests is 30, 70, 90, 40, 60 and is Processed by the SSTF Disk Scheduling Algorithm. What Will be the Total Head Movement to Serve these Requests?

The correct answer is: 70

15. Match the Term Related to Virtual Memory Management in Group A with its Related Term in Group B.

The correct answer is: A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2

16. Which Command in SQL is Used to Delete a Table’s Entire Data and Structure?

The correct answer is: DROP

17. A Dedicated Path is Needed in _____ Switching Before the Data is Sent from the Sender to the Receiver, but it is Not Needed in ____ Switching.

The correct answer is: circuit, packet

18. Which Routing Protocol is Used to Distribute Routing Information Between Different Organizations and their Customers?

The correct answer is: Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)

19. Which of the Following Statements are True?

The correct answer is: 1 and 4

20. Which of the Given Options is in the Correct Sequence of their Relation to Each Other, Like a Parent to a Child?

The correct answer is: platter → track → sector

21. In Which of the Given Methods Does Every Write Operation Update the Main Memory as Well as the Cache Memory?

The correct answer is: Write-through

22. A Schedule has Two Consecutive Operations O1 and O2 of Transactions T1 and T2, Respectively. Under What Conditions are Both Operations Said to be in Conflict?

The correct answer is: When both operations operate on the same data item and one of them is a write operation.

23. A Resource Allocation Graph is Used to Detect a Deadlock in the System. There May be a Deadlock if the ____.

The correct answer is: graph contains cycles

24. Match the Database Specific Terms in Group A with their Synonyms in Group B.

The correct answer is: A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3

English Section – LTI MindTree Aptitude Questions & Answers

Question 1:

Refer to the given terms. A pattern defines the relationship between the first two terms. Determine the relationship and identify the missing term of the second pair such that both the pairs are analogous.

985:874 ::763: ?


  1. 641
  2. 542
  3. 722
  4. 652

To find the relationship, notice how each digit in 985 is reduced by 1 to get 874.

  • 9 becomes 8
  • 8 becomes 7
  • 5 becomes 4

Applying the same logic to 763:

  • 7 becomes 6
  • 6 becomes 5
  • 3 becomes 2

The correct answer is: 652

Question 2: LTI MindTree Aptitude Questions & Answers

Analyze the given word pattern and choose the correct option. If RESULT is coded as SFTVMU, then what is the code for EXAM?


  1. FWBO
  2. DYZL
  3. FYBN
  4. DXZL

Each letter in RESULT is shifted forward by one place in the alphabet:

  • R becomes S
  • E becomes F
  • S becomes T
  • U becomes V
  • L becomes M
  • T becomes U

Applying the same logic to EXAM:

  • E becomes F
  • X becomes Y
  • A becomes B
  • M becomes N

The correct answer is: FYBN

Question 3: LTI MindTree Aptitude Questions & Answers

Analyze the given word pattern and choose the correct option. If WORD is coded as 9753, then what is the code for DOOR?

Assign each letter in WORD to a number:

  • W = 9
  • O = 7
  • R = 5
  • D = 3

Using the same code:

  • D = 3
  • O = 7
  • O = 7
  • R = 5

The correct answer is: 3775

Question 4: LTI MindTree Aptitude Questions & Answers

A man moves 2 miles east, then 3 miles south, and then 2 miles west. He then moves 2 miles toward the initial point from where he had started. In which direction is he from his initial position?


  1. East
  2. South
  3. West
  4. North

After moving:

  • 2 miles east
  • 3 miles south
  • 2 miles west

The man is now 3 miles south of his initial position. Moving 2 miles towards the initial point means he moves north 2 miles.

Thus, he is 1 mile south of his initial position.

The correct answer is: South

Question 5: LTI MindTree Aptitude Questions & Answers

Refer to the symbols below and their corresponding meanings:

  • “%” denotes “greater than”
  • “>” denotes “equal to”
  • “=” denotes “not less than”
  • “@” denotes “not equal to”
  • “#” denotes “less than”
  • “*” denotes “not greater than”

Which of the two conclusions I and II is/are definitely true based on the information provided?

Statements: LTI MindTree Aptitude Questions & Answers

  • A%B
  • C=E
  • D*B

Conclusions: LTI MindTree Aptitude Questions & Answers

  1. A#D
  2. C*E

Options: LTI MindTree Aptitude Questions & Answers

  1. Only conclusion I is true
  2. Only conclusion II is true
  3. Either conclusion I or II is true
  4. Neither conclusion I nor II is true

Given the statements:

  • A > B (A is greater than B)
  • C ≥ E (C is not less than E, meaning C can be greater than or equal to E)
  • D ≤ B (D is not greater than B, meaning D can be less than or equal to B)

Conclusion I: A#D

  • A is greater than B, and D is less than or equal to B, so A is greater than D.
  • Hence, A#D is true.

Conclusion II: C*E

  • C ≥ E implies C is not less than E, which is what C*E means.
  • Hence, C*E is true.

The correct answer is: Only conclusion II is true

Question 6: LTI MindTree Aptitude Questions & Answers

The given question is followed by two statements I and II. Decide if the statements contain sufficient information to answer the question.

Problem Question: I have four friends. What is my age?

Statements: LTI MindTree Aptitude Questions & Answers

  1. The average of our ages is 85 years.
  2. All of us are of the same age.

Options: LTI MindTree Aptitude Questions & Answers

  1. Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the problem question.
  2. Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the problem question.
  3. Both statements put together are sufficient to answer the problem question.
  4. Both the statements even put together are not sufficient to answer the problem question.
  5. Either of the statements is sufficient to answer the problem question.

Answer: LTI MindTree Aptitude Questions & Answers

  • Statement I alone is not sufficient because knowing the average does not tell us if all ages are the same.
  • Statement II alone is sufficient because if all ages are the same and there are four friends with an average age of 85, then each friend’s age (including yours) is 85.

The correct answer is: Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the problem question.

Question 7: LTI MindTree Aptitude Questions & Answers

The given question is followed by two statements I and II. Decide if the statements contain sufficient information to answer the question.

Problem Question: In which month does my birthday fall?

Statements: LTI MindTree Aptitude Questions & Answers

  1. My birthday falls before October and after February.
  2. My birthday falls after April and before August.

Options: LTI MindTree Aptitude Questions & Answers

  1. Statement 1 alone is sufficient to answer the problem question.
  2. Statement 2 alone is sufficient to answer the problem question.
  3. Both statements put together are sufficient to answer the problem question.
  4. Both the statements even put together are not sufficient to answer the problem question.
  5. Either of the statements is sufficient to answer the problem question.

Answer: LTI MindTree Aptitude Questions & Answers

  • Statement 1 alone narrows it down to March, April, May, June, July, August, or September.
  • Statement 2 alone narrows it down to May, June, or July.
  • Combining both statements, the possible months are May, June, or July.

The correct answer is: Both statements put together are sufficient to answer the problem question.

Question 8: LTI MindTree Aptitude Questions & Answers

Solar Technology Company is organizing a conference for green organizations. The company’s invitee list includes those companies that satisfy the following criteria:

  1. Should have an Environment Clearance Certificate.
  2. Should have developed at least three solar products.
  3. Should have none of its products made from synthetic polymers.
  4. Should have its headquarters in Texas.
  5. Should have a grade ‘A’ certified unit for its products.
  6. Should not have any legal dispute related to land or forest pending against them.

However, if a company satisfies all the criteria except:
a. Criterion (2), but it has the third product in the testing phase, then the company’s case should be referred to the Chief Operating Officer of the company.
b. Criterion (5), but it has a solar certification for its products from the Solar Corporation Inc., then the company’s case should be referred to the Director of the company.

Case 1: LTI MindTree Aptitude Questions & Answers
A US-based company sells batteries to its clients. The company has an Environmental Clearance Certificate. It currently produces two solar products, both of which are grade ‘A’ certified and do not make use of synthetic polymers in their production. The company has no legal case pending against it.

Options: LTI MindTree Aptitude Questions & Answers

  1. The company should be invited for the conference
  2. The company should not be invited for the conference
  3. The case should be referred to the Chief Operating Officer
  4. The case should be referred to the Director of the company
  5. Insufficient data

Answer: LTI MindTree Aptitude Questions & Answers
The company meets all criteria except criterion (2), but it does not mention a third product in the testing phase.

The correct answer is: The company should not be invited for the conference.

Case 2:
Leo Berbee Inc., a company with headquarters in Texas, sells different kinds of solar products to its customers. These include solar bulbs, solar cookers, and solar water heaters. They are not made of synthetic polymers. The company has an Environment Clearance Certificate and its products are grade ‘A’ certified. The company does not have any legal case pending against it.

Options: LTI MindTree Aptitude Questions & Answers

  1. The company should be invited for the conference
  2. The company should not be invited for the conference
  3. The case should be referred to the Chief Operating Officer
  4. The case should be referred to the Director of the company
  5. Insufficient data

Answer: LTI MindTree Aptitude Questions & Answers
Leo Berbee Inc. meets all the criteria.

The correct answer is: The company should be invited for the conference.


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